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BLACK HISTORYwise covers the history of slavery, including the emancipators as well as leading Black luminaries. Illustrated by Rik Cheetham, this dynamic educational tool can be used by teachers in all subjects on the national curriculum. The stimulating interactive classroom projects have biographical information on key figures in politics, the civil rights movement, sport and the arts. There is also a unique collection of graphic images of some of the greatest Black achievers of the 20th and 21st centuries.


Topics cover the world. Pupils are asked to look up the meaning of “Apartheid”; by listening to Bob Marley, they can discuss how music can create change. They study thought-provoking quotes from activists, such as Muhammad Ali: “Champions aren't made in gyms… They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.” Pupils find out where the words “Land of the free and home of the brave” come from; they write campaign speeches in support of a political candidate – and then deliver it to the class.


Elijah Kalambayi, Youth Ambassador, comments:


"I enjoyed reading the press review and I think it’s a first of many steps to what many people had an idea of but failed to execute. This is not just a first step, but it is a big step to introduce the schools today. The ‘Youth wise’ set of education packs is and should be the next big topic in schools not just locally but across the UK. Reason being because by experience I know that in high school we as pupils were only taught about Black History during Black History month which is far from enough. However, with this education pack that Youth Charter has created will allow pupils to not only learn and understand but also embrace what Black History is about.


An interactive programme is something pupils would learn a lot more from which is another idea which will have a significant impact on the pupil’s learning. On the student’s activity pack, the graphics are so well presented, displaying black success including some I would look to learn about. The teachers pack is well written in detail. It could be useful for them to read before the lesson and teach it. I love this idea and I hope Youth Charter goes forward with it. It's about time that there’s a change in the way learning is done."

Black Historywise Interactive Education Pack

  • ZIP File containing

    1. Editable PDF file. Recomended PDF Applications: Preview, Adobe Acrobat.

    2. Lesson Plans

    3. Youthwise Toolkit

    4. Access to the Faces in The Crowd  Virtual Exhibition.

  • 1. Unlimited Interactive Education Pack Downloads
    2. Education Pack containing 20 Worksheets
    3. Extended Learning Exercises Pack
    4. Teachers Guidance Pack
    5. Youthwise in Schools Toolkit

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